
Develop an individual profile for real estate

Problem: Develop an individual profile for real estate

Develop an individual profile, build brand YOU! How will you meet the identified needs and expectations from your clients? The question asks "How" one would be to provide the services that have been advertised, provide quality service What are their needs and expectations from your service? Your answers are very good but in general you should add to your answer that they would expect good quality services and a knowledgeable honest and reliable agent etc think as if you were the client. Outline your plan to promote yourself etc. Would you mention Facebook or newspaper adverts etc so as you get noticed. You have answered the next question stating its importance, so you need to market yourself in other ways than what you have stated.

Market a property Describe how the sellers may want their property presented - Would they expect you to provide maximum exposure, provide well-written advertising to reach the target market, etc.

Budget allocation you require the client's signature and please show the breakdown individually.

Complete the table below. The first one WHO is not the photographer it is like your next two answers.

Promote the Agency

Client expectations

The community would expect things such as the Agency providing factual Real Estate information, publishing nothing that would be misleading or deceptive, obeying privacy and spam laws, etc.

List 5 areas for improvement

Budget - Does the owner need to authorize marketing funds?

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Other Management: Develop an individual profile for real estate
Reference No:- TGS03419343

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