You were just hired as a Director for a small company who is looking to establish a Cyber Incident Response Team. The budget you were granted was $500,000. With the company's objective and budget in mind, please do the following:
• Develop an executive proposal (document, Powerpoint deck, etc.)
• Define how many people you plan to hire and:
o Skills you are looking for
- Would they each have specialties or similar divided skills
o What their salary would potentially be
- Keep in mind the yearly salary is part of the 500k
o Define how much you would allocate to yearly training
• Detail a complete forensic lab and its costs
o Provide room dimensions, furniture, hardware, etc.
o Number of computers, monitors, keyboards, accessories, etc.
o Forensic tools (commercial software licenses, write blockers, etc.)
o Describe lab security (entrance, layered defense, evidence storage, etc.)