
Develop an entity relationship diagram

Problem: Richmond Alternative Family Therapy (RAFT) is a small family counseling practice located in Richmond, Virginia. It needs an information system to schedule appointments. There are currently five counselors working in the practice. Their facility has four rooms that can be used for scheduling counseling sessions. Each appointment is scheduled for a particular date and has a start time and duration (in minutes). Each appointment is for exactly one counselor and exactly one client. Each counselor may have many appointments and each client can have many appointments. Each appointment is in a particular room and each room can have many appointments. However, no room can have more than one appointment being held at any particular time. Of course, when a new counselor, client, or room is added to the system, it will not have had any appointments, so it is possible for each to exist without being associated with a particular appointment. Counselors and clients are both people, so they will need standard contact information: first name, last name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number, email address. Rooms have a room number and a room name.

Develop an entity relationship diagram for the Richmond Alternative Family Therapy.

Express as many of the constraints in this scenario directly in the class diagram as possible. If there is a constraint that you are unable to show using the diagram, you may express in a textual note.  Show both minimum and maximum cardinality constraints.

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Database Management System: Develop an entity relationship diagram
Reference No:- TGS03229106

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