
Develop an effective workforce to ameliorate


In the United States, the average lifespan has risen from 49 years in 1900 to 78 years in 2006 (Leonhardt, 2006). Shockingly, some of the lowest socioeconomic countries still have a life expectancy of less than 50 years (Shi & Johnson, 2014), however. Huge health disparities such as these still exist between countries, and remain one of the great moral and intellectual problems of our time. According to Shi and Singh (2012), global health is "the area of study, research, and practice that places priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide." Today, countries around the world are faced with increases in the type and number of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases, among other global health problems. In addition, governments must recognize threats of bioterrorism and new illnesses caused by changes in behavior, diet, and environmental influences.

Global health is constantly evolving. The world is more interconnected than ever before through technology and transportation, and health is directly affected by this and other trends such as the aging population in some countries and increases in natural and human-made disasters. As global health evolves, so, too, must leaders in public health positions. Public health leaders and managers must know how to respond to global health challenges and develop an effective workforce to ameliorate them.

Consider those most related to the field of public health and the challenges posed in reaching these targets. Consider also the leadership strategies needed to ensure a more effective public health workforce to reach these goals. Then, select a border region in a different region of the world than you grew up in or live in now.

Post an explanation of how serving as an administrator in public health in a border region might be a challenge. Describe at least three strategies you, as a public health leader, would employ to ensure a more effective public health workforce and how you would apply them. Provide an example of another border area that might pose its own unique challenges. Describe the challenges and what might be done to ameliorate them. Be specific and provide examples.

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Other Subject: Develop an effective workforce to ameliorate
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