Question- Develop an app that generates a random number and prompts the user to guess the number.
When the user clicks the New Game Button, the app selects a number in the range 1 to 100 at random.
The user enters guesses into the Guess:TextBox and clicks the Enter Button. If the guess is correct, the game ends, and the user can start a new game. If the guess is not correct, the app should show whether the guess is higher or lower than the correct number.
Use instance variable for a Random object and to store the randomly generated numbers in the range of 1 to 100. If a guess is correct, display Correct in the Result Label1, then disable the Enter Button and enable the New Game button. If a guess is higher than the correct answer, display Too high... in the Result: label.
If a guess is lower than the correct answer, show Too low... in the Result:label.
For the user's convenience, provide the Guess: TextBox the focus after each guess is processed.
I am having difficulty with this program because I do not know where to start with.