
Develop an alternate design solution for the above pavement

Your transport engineering design team is in charge with the design of an urban road in Victoria. You need to provide at least two different solutions for pavement design to your team manager. Your design will be reviewed by the team manager to choose a final design solution.

You need to follow Austrodas Guide to Pavement Technology, Austroads Guide to Road Design and VicRoads Final Drawing Presentation Guidelines. You need to produce a complete design report with the necessary drawings and calculations for an urban road taking into consideration the principles of sustainability. The written report should detail the full design process and a log of activities/tasks assigned to individual members so that performance management can be monitored by the team members as well as for final assessment. (Report 2,000 words equivalent)

Use of mechanistic procedures for the design of an urban flexible pavement with sprayed seal surfaced unbound granular pavement.

Design parameters:

Four lane two way road (two lanes in each direction)

Length of road: 5.0 km

Design period: 30 years

Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT): 4,500

Direction factor: 0.5

Percentage heavy vehicles: 10%

Lane distribution factor: 0.95

Heavy vehicle growth rate (compound): 5%

Subgrade design CBR = 5%

Use a trail pavement thickness of 600mm.

Maximum vertical compressive strain from CIRCLY = 950 με midway between the two loaded wheels.

Develop an alternate design solution for the above pavement using a plain concrete pavement (PCP) with concrete shoulders with the following design parameters:

- desired project reliability = 85%

The road starts at station 00+00 and finishes at 50+00. The road includes a horizontal curve with the following information.

- Station PI 1250.00 m i.e. 12+50

- Tangent deflection angle 660

- Radius 600 m

Set the layout of the curve using 100m of chainage interval and show the layout using an appropriate diagram.

The road possess a -1.5% grade and a +2.0% grade which are connected by means of a 200 m vertical curve. The P.I. station is 3 + 00 (300.00 m) and the P.I. elevation is 100.0 m above sea level. Show the stations and elevations of BVC, EVC and the lowest point on the vertical curve using a diagram. In addition, set the profile elevation of the vertical curve by using 25 m interval.

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Other Subject: Develop an alternate design solution for the above pavement
Reference No:- TGS01125242

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