
Develop an action plan


A supervisory position in healthcare has become a difficult and demanding job. Trying to understand the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and not seeing many employers providing education and incentives for their employees to improve their health has created stress and conflict for many healthcare professionals. Most healthcare professionals know that people need to exercise, eat right, stop smoking, and adopt proactive preventive behaviors to become healthier, happier, and do better work. Employers should find a way to reward their good health behaviors. Some hospitals have made significant reductions in staff and many healthcare professionals have been expected to do more with less. Alas, these are challenging times for the healthcare field. During Monday's morning management meeting, it was reported that a survey found 53 percent of Community Medical Center (CMC) nurse "had high levels of stress, feelings of extreme fatigue and felt they had no control in providing quality healthcare." A group of managers were chosen to work with the human resources (HR) department and a consulting group to develop an action plan. Management brainstormed the following short run strategies": (1) assign reasonable work hours, (2) allow nurses to have a full 30-minute break and several 15-minute

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Reference No:- TGS03341906

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