
Develop alternative solutions

The first step in creating your Diversity Management Proposal is to write an informal 1-page paper summarizing the problem or opportunity that you are focusing on. In addition, be sure to also explain how your proposal will solve the problem. This assignment requires you to:

  1. Recognize a problem or opportunity related to a diversity issue facing your company or future employer (Include a summary of how your problem or opportunity is a diversity issue)
  2. Develop Alternative Solutions (An analysis of the factors contributing to the problem or opportunity)
  3. Evaluate Alternatives (Be specific. Provide numbers when applicable)
  4. Select an Alternative (What is being lost if you solution is not adopted?)

This assignment can be seen as a "proposal" of the issues that your final paper will tackle. It should interest the reader in learning more about your final proposal. Consider this a brainstorming assignment for what your final project will be, as your topic - and your proposed solution - may change between now and Module 04.Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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Science: Develop alternative solutions
Reference No:- TGS0535706

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