
Develop a work breakdown structure

Project management:

1. Prepare a Project Charter for the project. Use the template provided.

2. Prepare a Schedule for completing all of the tasks for this project. The schedule will include activities by process group, estimated start and end dates for each task, which team member has the main responsibility for each task, estimated hours for each task by person, and actual hours for each task by person as the project progresses. Use the template provided.

3. Prepare a Statement of Work (SOW) for completing all of the tasks for this project. Use the template provided. Be as specific as possible in describing product characteristics and requirements, as well as key deliverables.

4. Develop a Communications Plan for the project. Use the template provided.

5. Develop a Work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. Use the template provided. Be sure the WBS is based on the project charter, statement of work, and other relevant information.

6. Create a Milestone List for this project. Include at least eight milestones and estimated completion dates for them. Use the template provided.

7. Use the Schedule, WBS, and Milestone List you developed above to create a Gantt chart using Microsoft Project. Estimate task durations and enter dependencies, as appropriate. A sample file is provided.

8. Create a Quality Checklist for ensuring that the project is completed successfully. Define at least two quality metrics for the project. Use the template provided.


A. It is best to limit the number of activities in your project to 10-15 activities to keep the assignment manageable.

B. Pick a project that allows you to demonstrate the principles discussed in this course.

C. Think ahead to the resources that will be used. The project should involve more than two people.

D. Assume that top management is reviewing this report. Time is precious, so organize your report so that it is easy to comprehend and follow.

Social Stratification:

Paper instructions:

This will be a 3 to 4 page paper (approximately 1,200-1,600 words) on Social Stratification.  Go to the Wikibooks section around social stratification by following this link https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Sociology/Stratification.  Read about Social Stratification and then write about the following choose three of the following topics to write on for this assignment:

1. Socioeconomic Status

2. Social Class in America

3. Dominant Perspectives

4. Intersections of Class, Race and Gender

5. Capitalism, Class, Privilege and Oppression

6. Capitalism, Race and Gender Inequality

7. Points of View: Micro-Meso-Macro

8. Global Inequality

Paraphrase and cite your sources, while elaborating on the points made about these section.  Use the peer reviewed sources below to further develop your thoughts if you find your writing is short.

If you cannot locate an article in one set of databases (e.g., EBSCO), try to locate it in ProQuest.

Socioeconomic Status:

Woo, J. K. H., Ghorayeb, S. H., Lee, C. K., Sangha, H., & Richter, S. (2004). Effect of patient socioeconomic status on perceptions of first- and second-year medical students. Canadian Medical Association.Journal, 170(13), 1915-9. R

Barrett, A. E., & Turner, R. J. (2005). Family structure and mental health: The mediating effects of socioeconomic status, family process, and social stress*. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 46(2), 156-69.

Social Class in America

Foerster, A. (2001). People like us: Social class in america. Teaching Sociology, 29(4), 517-517.

Weir, R. (2014). The specter of salem: Remembering the witch trials in nineteenth-century america. Historical Journal of Massachusetts, 40(1), 241-XIII.

Dominant Perspectives:

Bigler, R. S., & Patterson, M. M. (2007). When and why social categorization produces inequality (and vice versa). Human Development, 50(6), 328-332.

Wilkie, W. L., & Moore, E. S. (2014). Expanding our understanding of marketing in society. Academy of Marketing Science.Journal, 40(1), 53-73.

Intersections of Class, Race and Gender

Flores, G. M. (2014). Racialized tokens: Latina teachers negotiating, surviving and thriving in a white woman’s profession. Qualitative Sociology, 34(2), 313-335.

Balthaser, B. (2008). Cold war re-visions: Representation and resistance in the unseen salt of the earth. American Quarterly, 60(2), 347-371,497.

Capitalism, Class, Privilege and Oppression:

Foster, J. B. (2008). Ecology and the transition from capitalism to socialism. Monthly Review, 60(6), 1-12.

Laxer, J., & Keating, C. (. E. V. I. E. W. E. R. ). (1999). [The undeclared war: Class conflict in the age of cyber capitalism]. Labour, (44), 231-231.

Capitalism, Race and Gender Inequality

Clifford, L. S. (2004). Teaching and learning about class exploitation. Rethinking Marxism, 16(4), 457-476,493.

McMenamin, I. (2014). IF MONEY TALKS, WHAT DOES IT SAY? varieties of capitalism and business financing of parties. World Politics, 64(1), 1-II.

Points of View: Micro-Meso-Macro:

Dopfer, K., Foster, J., & Potts, J. (2004). Micro-meso-macro. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14(3), 263-279.

Dopfer, K. (2014).

The origins of meso economics. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22(1), 133-160.

Global Inequality:

Arandarenko, M. (2014). The haves and the have-nots: A brief and idiosyncratic history of global inequality. Sociologicky Casopis, 48(3), 779-782.

Cheng, L., & Philip, Q. Y. (1998). Global interaction, global inequality, and migration of the highly trained to the united states. The International Migration Review, 32(3), 626-653.

Assignment Expectations:

Cite your sources inside your work and in a reference section.

You are expected to use case-related readings and background material to study social stratification.

In preparing your Module 4 Case, you need to demonstrate your learning of the concepts outlined in the modular learning objectives.

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