
Develop a whs program or procedure


What you have to do

There are a total of three (3) parts to complete, as follows:

Part A - consists of tasks requiring an extended response answer.

Part B - consists of a task requiring an extended response answer.

Part C - consists of short answers.

You will be assessed on how well you interpret each task request and how you structure each according to layout, sequencing and by providing all relevant and applicable details for each task.


Part A: Develop a WHS Program or Procedure


In this Unit of Competency we learnt that it is common practice for organisations to adopt the "Six Step Approach" to develop and implement a Work health and Safety Management System (WHSMS).

As you discovered, an organisation's WHS Policy forms the "corner stone" of the WHSMS and clearly states the organisation's commitment to WHS and identifies the initiatives that will be taken to ensure a safe work environment is provided to all persons working in, serviced by, or visiting the workplace.

For part A of this Assessment you are required to write one (1) WHS Program or Procedure that aims to fulfil the goals set by an Organisation's WHS Policy.

To successfully complete this task you must:

1. Read the following example WHS Policy for "Big Corp Travel".

2. Select one (1) of the WHS programs or procedures listed in the WHS Policy for this tourism company and prepare (write) a detailed program or procedure that can be included in the Organisation's WHS Programs manual.

3. Your WHS Program/Procedure must contain and address the following paragraph headings:

- WHS Program/Procedure title (name).

- Purpose and objectives (what does the program/procedure aim to achieve?)

- Scope (who does this program/procedure apply to? Departments and personnel)

- Program/Procedure (outline the steps in the program - what, where, how)

- Implementation Strategies (how will the program be implemented and communicated to staff?)

- Monitoring and Evaluation (how will the program be monitored and evaluated?)

- Review (when will this program be reviewed to ensure that it remains current and relevant and who will conduct this revision?)

Example WHS Policy

Commitment statement

The health and safety of all persons employed within Big Corp Travel, its customers and those visiting the workplace is considered to be of utmost importance. Resources in line with the importance attached to work health and safety will be made available to comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations and to ensure that a safe work environment (conditions and tasks) is provided at all times.

Management Responsibility

Big Corp Travel acknowledges that the promotion and maintenance of work health and safety is primarily the responsibility of management. Management at all levels is required to contribute to the health and safety of all persons in the workplace. To this end, it is the responsibility of management to develop, implement and keep under view, in consultation with its employees, the organisation's WHS

Programs and Procedures.

Specific Responsibilities

a) Senior management

Senior managers are required to ensure that this policy and associated WHS Programs are communicated to and effectively implemented in their areas of control. Senior managers must support their line supervisors and hold them accountable for their specific responsibilities.

b) Management & supervisors

Each first-line supervisor is responsible, and will be held accountable, for taking all practical measures to ensure that:

- employees under their control are supervised and trained to meet the requirements of all relevant WHS programs and procedures.

- employees are consulted on all issues which affect their health and are encouraged to refer any WHS concerns to management.

c) Employees
All employees are required to co-operate with the WHS Policy and Programs to ensure their own health and safety and the health and safety of others in the workplace.

d) Contractors

All Contractors engaged to perform on the premises or locations are required, as part of their contract, to comply with work health and safety policies, procedures and programs of the organisation and to observe directions on health and safety from designated officers of the organisation. Failure to comply or observe a direction will be considered a breach of the contract and sufficient grounds for termination of the contract.

Work Health and Safety Programs

In order to implement the general provisions of this policy, WHS programs and procedures will be developed, continually updated and effectively carried out. The WHS programs and procedures will relate to all aspects of work health and safety including:

- WHS training and information program

- WHS consultation procedure

- Development of safe work methods

- Emergency procedures

- Incident reporting and injury management procedure

- WHS risk management procedure

This Policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the organisation and comply with current WHS legislation.

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Management Information Sys: Develop a whs program or procedure
Reference No:- TGS01875339

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