Develop a website for bruno pizzeria a pizza store the

Purpose of the assignment: It is an individual assignment that provides an opportunity to practice again techniques and skills involved in designing webpages using HTML5 and CSS. JavaScript will be used to validate user input data before they are submitted to the server for processing. Moreover, JavaScript will be used to add more interactivity to the webpages.

Requirements and Specifications

The assignment requires that you develop a website for Bruno Pizzeria, a pizza store. The director of Bruno Pizzeria, Mr. Bruno, is interested in developing a website that allows users to register and place orders for pizzas online.

Task 1: Website Design

After several meetings with the Mr. Bruno, it is agreed that 3 webpages will be developed, the home page, the registration page and the order page.


Folder Structure
The directory structure shown in Figure 1 is to be created.

Figure 1: Directory structure

Additional files may be added depending on your own design.

Website Structure
Choose your own webpage structure. A fully functional navigator must be provided on each webpage. Users should be able to access all 3 webpages using the navigator.

Webpage Layout
You need to design an appropriate webpage layout for Bruno Pizzeria. Following structural elements must be used:


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