
Develop a web page about your favorite movie that displays


1. Write the CSS code for an external style sheet that configures a page background color of #FFF8DC; has a text color of #000099; is in Arial, Helvetica, or a sans-serif font; and has an id called new that is bold and italic.

2. Practice with External Style Sheets. In this exercise you will create two external style sheet files and a Web page. You will experiment with linking the Web page to the external style sheets and note how the display of the page is changed.

a. Create an external style sheet (call it format1.css) to format as follows: document background color of white, document text color of #000099, and document font family of Arial, Helvetica, or sans-serif. Hyperlinks should have a background color of gray (#CCCCCC).

elements should use the Times New Roman font with red text color.

b. Create an external style sheet (call it format2.css) to format as follows: document background color of yellow, document text color of green. Hyperlinks should have a background color of white.

elements should use the Times New Roman font with white background color and green text color.

c. Create a Web page about your favorite movie that displays the movie name in an tag, a description of the movie in a paragraph, and an unordered (bulleted) list of the main actors and actresses in the movie. The page should also have a hyperlink to a Web site about the movie. Place an e-mail link to yourself on the Web page. This page should be associated with the format1.css file. Save the page as moviecss1.html. Be sure to test your page in more than one browser. Hand in printouts of format1.css, the movieccs1.html source code (print in Notepad), and the browser display of your moviecss1.html to your instructor.

d. Modify the moviecss1.html page to link to the format2.css external style sheet instead of the format1.css file. Save the page as moviecss2.html and test it in a browser. Notice how different the page looks! Hand in printouts of format2.css, the moviecss2.html source code (print in Notepad), and the browser display of your moviecss2.html.

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Computer Engineering: Develop a web page about your favorite movie that displays
Reference No:- TGS02673342

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