Develop a vision and mission statement for the project team

Assignment: Organizing HR Projects

Your company has had embedded HR generalists in business units for the past several years. Over that time, it has become costlier, and more difficult to maintain standards, and is a frustration for business units to have that budget "hit." The leadership has decided to move to a more centralized model of delivering HR services and has asked you to evaluate that proposition and begin establishing a project team to initiate the needed changes. The project team is selected and you must now provide general direction.

Write a five to six page paper in which you:

1. Review and define the five steps of strategic planning depicted in Exhibit 2-1 in the textbook on page 34. Based on the information, provide a statement of overall importance of these steps to your project team.

2. Develop a vision and mission statement for the project team specific to the current project. HINT: It is highly recommended to follow the guidance offered in the textbook about vision and mission statement.

3. Explain to the project team what a project charter is and why it is used. Then, review Exhibit 3.3 in the textbook and select any 3 charter elements you feel are more important and explain why.

4. Provide a "Statement of Emphasis" to your project team based on the information you provided in the previous 3 sections above. The goal is to ensure your team understands the importance of the information.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Explain the elements of project management and its relationship to human resource management.
• Assess organizational strategies that contribute to effective project management of human resources.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in managing human resource projects.
• Write clearly and concisely about managing human resource projects using proper writing mechanics.

Discussion: Human Resource Management and Project Management

• You are a project manager for a large hospitality firm (e.g., Marriott International) who will be in charge of the firm's HQ office relocation. You have been asked to speak to the HR staff about the move and many of them have very little understanding of project management. Also, they are fearful that this project will end up being a failure since other projects have failed at the firm. Explain to them the key elements of project management and its relationship to human resources management (HRM). Be sure that your explanation curtails their fears of project management.

• Support your comments with citations from Quality Academic References (QARs) from recognized authorities in the field.

Discussion: Strategic Planning and Organizational Restructuring

• Imagine you are the HR director of a growing international staffing organization that services both North America and South America. The CEO has decided that the HR group, which is currently decentralized, is in need of restructuring to account for the expected increase in business and revenues. The CEO has asked for your opinion on how to best restructure the HR group and the firm. Based upon your knowledge, recommend an organizational structure (e.g., functional, matrix, or projectized) that will provide growth for the firm. Also, assess the influence that this project will have on the customers (who are located throughout the Americas) that are serviced by the HR group.

• Support your comments with citations from Quality Academic References (QARs) from recognized authorities in the field.

• Discussion: Project Charter

• You have been hired to oversee the decentralization of your client's human resources function in which corporate functions will be relocated to each regional office. Your boss wants you to start moving people immediately, but you are insisting that a project charter be established first. Explain to your boss the importance of a project charter and what could happen if you decided to proceed ahead without a charter.

• Support your comments with citations from Quality Academic References (QARs) from recognized authorities in the field.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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HR Management: Develop a vision and mission statement for the project team
Reference No:- TGS02980638

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