
Develop a variety of graphical presentations develop and

Part 1.

Answer the Module Review Questions listed below. These questions were chosen to demonstrate your understanding and help you assess your progress.

1 Identify and explain key trends that are occurring in computer peripheral devices? How do these trends affect business uses of computers?

2 Discuss important computer hardware developments that you expect to happen in the next 10 years? How will these affect the business use of computers?

3 What trends are occurring in the development and use of the major types of computer systems?

4 What application software packages are the most important for a business end user to know how to use? Explain the reasons for your choices.

5 What major trends are occurring in software? What capabilities do you expect to see in future software packages?

6 Why is an operating system necessary? That is, why can't an end user just load an application program into a computer and start computing?

Part 2

1. Desktop Application Recognition Tool Selection ABC Department Stores would like to acquire software to do the following tasks. Identify which software packages they need.

a. Surf the Web and their intranets and extranets.

b. Send messages to each other's computer workstations.

c. Help employees work together in teams.

d. Use a group of productivity packages that work together easily.

e. Help sales reps keep track of meetings and sales calls.

f. Type correspondence and reports.

g. Analyze rows and columns of sales figures.

h. Develop a variety of graphical presentations.

i. Develop and give presentations to clients and other interorganizational departments.

j. Collect, store, and retrieve organizational in- formation, presenting it to users, giving them the ability to query and modify the data as

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Software Engineering: Develop a variety of graphical presentations develop and
Reference No:- TGS01010044

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