
Develop a usable well presented interactive web site based

Assessment 1

This assessment requires you to produce a web site which will consist of a number of html pages, including an index page, all of which should be uploaded to a folder called BXXXXXXXX_A1 within your student account on the University web server (replacing XXXXXXXX with your banner no).

These pages will include an introduction, working links and information on how you will consider design, usability and colour in the web site for the second assessment. You are also expected to have two pages which outline the layout of the main home page and one of the detail pages for the second assessment. The layout should be different for these two pages.

The second assessment requires you to develop a usable, well presented, interactive web site based on the assessment theme.

1) Assessment uploaded:
a) Uploaded in student account
b) Stored in folder with correct name

2) Pages:
a) Index page
b) Links to other pages for parts 3, 4 and 5
c) Two links to external web sites relevant to this module

3) Introduction:
a) Describe the purpose of the web site?
b) Who is the target audience?

4) Describe how you will consider each of the following in your web site:
a) Design
b) Usability
c) Colour

5) HTML5 code of home page and detail pages:
a) Sample code for the home page
b) Sample code for one other page (this should be a different layout from the home page)

6) Screen dumps of home page and other page in browser

Assessment 2

This assessment requires you to develop a usable, well presented, interactive web site based on the Assessment theme. All files should be uploaded to a folder called ‘BXXXXXXXX_A2' within your individual ‘iwdXXX' account.

Important note: If the web site is not uploaded properly, a mark of zero will be awarded.


1) Content
a) There should be an .html document for the home page AND six other pages
b) Text
c) Images
d) Video
e) Audio

2) Specific Elements
a) Create a table in one of the documents to display relevant tabular information
b) Create an appropriate list in one of the documents
c) Create a form in one of the documents with a minimum of five different elements eg text box, radio button, select list

3) Validation
a) Two html pages will be chosen and validated using https://validator.w3.org/ with doctype defined as html5.
b) CSS

4) CSS Layout
a) Use of elements for structure
b) Consistency

5) CSS styles
a) There should an external style sheet which is applied to at least two of the html pages
b) It should have set properties for a minimum of 3 elements
c) There should be an internal style in one of the documents with properties for a minimum of 2 elements
d) Other

6) Javascript/Other features (Up to 3 marks for each feature)

7) Documentation (an additional .html page)
a) A summary of your web site (in one paragraph), highlighting the applications used to create it and details of any additional features that were added to it.
b) One paragraph stating how accessibility was implemented.
c) Source of images
d) A summary (in one paragraph) of how it could be enhanced in the future.

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: Develop a usable well presented interactive web site based
Reference No:- TGS01602745

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