1. Develop a training session on any one of the following topics:
Conducting Annual performance appraisals
Telephone Customer Service
New Employee onboarding Processes
Negotiating a salary
The training session should have a focus on skills rather than knowledge or information
2. Prepare a task analysis of the skill you will be teaching. This will involve a step-by-step outline listing of the skills, knowledge, and behaviors necessary to perform the skill in the order the skills will be taught
3. Develop training/instructional objectives for a multi-session four hour business training workshop on your selected topic (at least six objectives)
4. Develop lessons plans for each of your six objectives to include time spent on each objective, training method, assessment method, equipment or resources needed to conduct the training)
5. Separate reference page in APA format Please be sure to provide a separate reference page in APA format which includes your textbook and any other resources used for the assignment.