Case Scenario:
You are a student on a mental health rotation in mental health ward at a private hospital and you have been caring for a 25-year-old patient who is admitted as a voluntary patient for a depressive illness. You develop a therapeutic relationship with the patient and, throughout their stay, discover that you both have many things in common. You begin to look forward to seeing the patient on shift and toward the end of your placement, they add you to their social media.
You really like the patient and do not want to damage the therapeutic relationship or upset them, so you accept their request. You and the patient have been exchanging intimate personal messages, you mention this to one of the other students, and they are shocked.
You like the patient and are unsure what you should do or what your actions should be.
In this task you are asked to respond to the two scenarios case studies presented.
Your responses will draw on theory, legislation, the professional codes of conduct and ethics, and organizational policy.
Within your response to each case you must consider:
- The ethical principles and how they apply to the case.
- The legal requirements for students and registered health professionals.
- The implications for the health facility and/or education provider if required for each of the cases