
Develop a tentative plan for the client

Assignment Problem: In each of the following situations, develop a tentative plan for the client.

  • List the various services you believe each person needs initially.
  • Include in your plan for each client both formal and generic services, and where appropriate.
  • Use social supports and support groups.
  • Suggest other services the person might use later once the case is stabilized.
  • How will you involve the client in planning?

1. A woman and her two children are waiting to receive their welfare check. You have been involved through a school referral. The women and her children have come to your state from another to escape an abusive husband and father. The woman is frail and appears sick. They have no place to go and have been living in their car. They have not eaten for three days. The children smell as if they need a bath and are listless.

 2. A mother of two preteens brought her son in for services. The woman is a widow. She confides she is having trouble controlling the boy, who is the oldest, and the girl is disgusted with her brother's behavior and does not want to be involved in helping him. Lately, the boy has become involved with teens his age or older. He has been drinking and coming home when he feels like it. The mother allowed him and his friends to drink and smoke pot in the garage in hopes that she could keep the boy at home, but she now feels this has backfired. The boy makes it clear that coming in for help is ridiculous and says the one thing he will not do is give up his friends.

3. A single mother brings her 12-year-old son in because they are "not getting along." She reports that he does not listen and comes and goes as he pleases. His homework has fallen off and his grades have slipped, but he is still doing well in math and likes his math teacher. The boy's father was killed in a railroad accident 2 years ago. The mother tells you that the boy and his father enjoyed a close and warm relationship and that she has felt her influence on him slipping away since the accident.  

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Reference No:- TGS03233694

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