Assignment task:
FDOH CMS Early Steps ITDS Module 3 Ms. Jones, an Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist, bemoans the fact that none of the child care providers she works with, who include children with disabilities, provide her with information on the children's progress. Ms. Jones relates that she has told the teachers over and over again to take notes everyday on the children's progress. She gives them note cards with each child's name to record their progress each week. Ms. Jones does not know what to do because her director is telling her that she has to report the children's progress to keep her job. Ms. Jones should continue her practice with the note cards and tell the teachers that she will have to remove the children with disabilities if they don't keep better records. Give the children an assessment herself at the end of each quarter and record their progress. Ask the parents every two weeks if they have noticed changes in their children's skills. Develop a systematic process embedding the objectives for each child into the daily routines whereby teachers can record the data.