Develop a simple web page with just html and css

Homework: Web Page (using HTML5 and CSS)

This homework shows how you can develop a simple web page with just HTML and CSS. Create a HTML Page for yourself with the following conditions:

o Should use only HTML and CSS for this page.

o Title should say "FirstName LastName Web page"

o There should be a picture on the page. It can be your picture or a picture of your pet or any picture you would like.

o In a tabular form it should give details of all courses you are taking this semester. Table should have headers.

o The page should contain the favorite links of webpages which you visit frequently like news links or other links.

o Use style sheet to create a background image with z index = 1 and a foreground image with z index = 2.

o Footer of the page should say "Created by your name and include your nova email link for comments".

o In an unordered list you should give your three favorite food items. When hovering over the item it should display the picture of the food item.

o Use a CSS box model with content, padding, border and margin. Content could be your favorite hobby or sport or favorite book etc.

o Show how you can use a special class for creating your own style for the page and apply the style.

o Make sure that the webpage includes an audio file. Make sure that the audio is appropriate for the audience. Please cite the source of the audio file.

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

o The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

o The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

o Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Computer Engineering: Develop a simple web page with just html and css
Reference No:- TGS03094030

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