
Develop a simple innovative framework for a business

Discussion 1 - Power of Observation" Please respond to the following:

Select one (1) of the following concepts to examine: in-group / out-group, bystander effect, conformity, nonconformity, foot-in-the-door strategy, or door-in-the-face strategy. Next, describe one (1) situation in which you observed the concept chosen. (Situations can be anything from observing people in a grocery store to interacting with your children or a colleague, among many others.) Then, identify the concept you observed and discuss how it relates to the situation.

Discussion 2 - "Develop an Innovation Framework" Please respond to the following:

Develop a simple innovative framework for a business concept of your choice using the five (5) key questions (what, when, where, who, how). Next predict whether or not this strategy will require an incremental change or radical change. Provide support for your response.

Discuss three (3) ways that an organization could benefit using the search strategies of Zone 1 (Exploit), Zone 2 (Explore), Zone 3 (Reframing), and Zone 4 (Co-evolution) to explore the best space for their innovative strategy. Provide support for your response.


Who: Defy the Odd's LLC.

What: Re-entry program for ex-prisoners

Where: South Florida

When: The last 30 days before they are released, and upon release

How: Being employed by my company, living in the housing we provide to them, and going to the proper classes that we feel that are necessary for re-entry back into society.

Zone 1: (exploit) Find a market that has a need for your service, but that not a lot of people or companies offer.

Zone 2: (explore) Explore different cities and states and see what the different needs are for each one, one may bring more opportunity than the other one.

Zone 3: (Reframing) Trying to do what someone has already tried doing, but do it better then them,

Zone 4: (Co-evolution) Growing with other small businesses in the sourrounding areas, and help to make a difference together.

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Marketing Management: Develop a simple innovative framework for a business
Reference No:- TGS02336671

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