Your Personal College Success Plan: Using Psychology of Adjustment as a Roadmap to Graduation
In this paper, you will be discussing different ways in which the basic principles of applied psychology covered in this course can be of help in developing and implementing your own College Success Plan.
Section I of your Paper: My Challenges
Begin your paper with a few paragraphs that discuss at least three of your biggest challenges that concern you in terms of possible interferences in your ability to make it to graduation.
Feel free to mention four or five challenges if you like. For each of the challenges that you mention, discuss the ways in which that challenge developed and the range of variables/factors in your life at this point that make each challenge problematic or stressful.
Section II of your paper: Summary of My Challenges -
Develop a short phrase or sentence that describes each of the challenges that you identified in Section I as possible barriers to your path to graduation and list those challenges as numbered bullet points such as the following example:
1) Time management
2) Budgeting finances
3) Low self-esteem/ poor self-confidence
4) Maintaining a positive attitude
Section IV of your Paper: Outline Summary of My College Success Plan -
Summarize in outline form your College Success Plan discussed in Section III with a numbered list of strategies, step-by-step,describing what you plan to do next quarter to implement your Plan.
Section V: Footnotes & Bibliography Research Preparation to Write Section III of your Paper:
Before writing the rest of the paper, do some research about how to proceed with developing your College Success Plan by reviewing all of the material covered in the course whether in the assigned readings or in the Powerpoints and pick out different psychological principles from that material that you relate to and that you can use to help you overcome the challenges that you noted at the beginning of the paper.
You will be expected to mention in your paper at least 4 different psychological principles that were covered in the course so make sure that before you start writing your paper that you have made up a list of those 4 principles that might be able to help you overcome your challenges.
Section III of your Paper: My College Success Plan
Having completed Section I and Section II covering your challenges that you have identified, and then in the third section of the paper you will be describing your College Success Plan that discusses changes that you plan to make beginning with the next quarter to overcome those challenges in order to keep you on a steady path to college graduation.
As you write up your plan, make sure that you refer specifically to psychological principles that you identified in your research that you plan to use to help you stay on that path.
Your College Success Plan should minimally address ways you plan to overcome each of the major challenges you identified in the paper. It should take you several paragraphs to describe your College Success Plan.
Attachment:- Final Paper.rar