
Develop a set of hrm recommendations for the below

HRM Consultancy Report -

Develop a set of HRM recommendations for the below highlighted fictitious, scenario organisation. Adopt a critical approach to the way that you analyse the scenario organisation and make recommendations for change. You present the recommendations as a consultancy report that addresses a transition described in an assigned scenario.


1. An acquisition

Akbar and Sons, launched and headquartered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is a family-owned oil company with a rich tradition of social responsibility. BP Oil acquires Akbar and Sons. BP will send senior managers to the UAE Akbar headquarters for 3-6 months. After that, currentAkbar managers will need to travel frequently to the UK where BP will oversee operations. The average age of Akbar employees is 46. Through working together for several years, they have become a very close team and all share a common Islamic faith. BP retains all Akbar employees and Mr. Akbar and his son have the option to leave or to fulfil senior management roles within the BP organisation, frequently travelling or relocating to the UK.

The consultancy report should consist of two parts as below.

Part 1: HRM Consultancy Report
o Section 1: Organisational change scenario analysis (1,000 words)
o Section 2: Analysis of organisational solutions (3,000 words)
o Section 3: Conclusions (1,000 words)
The consulting report should follow this general outline:

Part 1: HRM Consultancy Report

• Section 1: Organisational change scenario analysis (1,000 words)
Prepare the first section of the HRM Consultancy Report, an analysis of the potential people management issues at play in the chosen scenario organisation which should include the following elements:
o Describe the scenario organisation and its upcoming transition: Explain the options that you will address. For example, in the Akbar scenario, Mr. Akbar and his son have the option to leave or take on senior management positions. State which option Mr. Akbar and his son will take. You may also wish to suggest additional choices not mentioned in the scenario brief and creatively provide other details as you describe your scenario. In addition, you may provide further context/details and selected options for this scenario, either based on your own experience and/or other case examples with which you are familiar. Just be sure to address the implications of these details as you propose solutions in Section 2 of the HRM Consultancy Report.
o An organisational analysis of the scenario:
- What organisational issues might the scenario transition create and what are the people management implications of this transition?
- What HRM approaches may need to be revised and/or new ones introduced?

• Section 2: Analysis of organisational solutions (3,000 words)
Based on the assigned scenario, prepare the second section of the Report that will follow this general outline:
o Theoretical Analysis: Include an introduction critically analysing two or three OB/HR matrix relationships that are relevant within the scenario. Identify theories of organisational behaviour relevant to the scenario and discuss what HRM approaches are associated and/or linked to these theories. How might the relevant theories be operationalised through specific HRM approaches/practices in the scenario
o Identification of Issues: List at least three key human resource issues that have the potential to impact this scenario for which you intend to propose solutions. One of your three issues should include how managers in the scenario organisation will develop teams composed of employees from varying cultures and geographic locations effectively. Assume that one of the scenario organisation's goals is to build a diverse workforce. Critically analyse the role of the adoption of diversity management initiatives in building a diverse workforce and what particular impact diversity might have to developing teams in your scenario organisation. Consider issues of power and politics that may arise within and across teams as a consequence of the pending changes in the scenario organisation.
- Depending on the issues you chose, discuss how performance management systems could aid the organisation in addressing these issues. Examples of other issues might include how to address recruitment and selection or training and development. Critically consider the organisational needs of the scenario (as well as any additional options or details you have chosen) and determine other issues that may be at play and how you might address them.
o Proposed Solutions to Issues: Describe your suggested solutions for addressing the three issues within the scenario organisation. Your solutions should suggest approaches to organisation and management that are appropriate for the scenario and should explain how organisational behaviour theories are relevant to the solutions. Explain how your proposed HRM approach solutions are connected to organisational behaviour(s).
- Provide an analysis and critique of the implications of each suggested solution (from item c above) for managers in the scenario organisation. Are there implications of your suggested solutions for which the organisation should plan? Are there potential stakeholder reactions that might need to be managed? Include a comparison of the solutions as appropriate.

• Section 3: Conclusions (1,000 words)
Write a conclusion summarising thoughts on the solutions proposed and explaining how the implementation of the proposed solutions may impact organisational needs and managerial capabilities:
o Include potential impacts on employees' reaction or resistance to change and the people management issues that may result from the implementation
o Include any insights gained from completing the critique.
o Cite references in Harvard format.
Please note:
• Word counts: Submissions that range from 10% below to 10% above the recommended word count are acceptable.
• All citations in the report should be supported with appropriate literature sources. These should appear in Harvard format in your References section at the end of your report.
• Marks will be given for formatting, such as inclusion of an organisation description.
To complete the consultancy report Build on below units

Unit One

Analyse the current state of the field of strategic HRM in the context of a global environment.
- Include two or three HR/OB Matrix relationships that may occur within your scenario organisation. Explain the pending transition for your scenario organisation and describe where you would like your scenario organisation to be in the future. What strategic HRM approaches may need to be revised and/or what new ones may need to be introduced and why?
- Explain how the revised and/or new HRM approaches might affect staff management's function/role. How might the revised and/or new HRM approaches affect how they manage and/or communicate with their staff? How might they need to adjust to make the approaches effective?

Unit 2
Organisational Analysis - Diversity Management

Think back to an organisation where you enjoyed working. What were the top three reasons that you enjoyed working there? For many, one of those responses is the people. Now, think about the people that were at that organisation. Was everyone the same, or were they a diverse group of people. Within a diverse group, do you think team members would complement or detract from your skills and abilities?
As innovation processes depend on harnessing creativity, and while dynamic as well as supportive systems of management can elicit the best from staff, like-minded people will usually produce like-minded results. Diversity in the workforce can, however, help companies to break this mould and the cycle of limited unilateral thinking and, in so doing, set them free to discover new products, markets, and ways of doing or leading business.
(European Community, n.d.:4)

Although you may understand the reasoning behind diversity within an organisation, it may be more difficult to explain to others who have primarily worked with like-minded people. As a manager, you may be called upon to train others about the purpose of diversity management within an organisation. Consider how you would explain the benefits and costs of diversity management to your assigned organisation, as well the potential issues that may arise from your organisation building a more diverse workforce. In this Individual Assignment, you will analyse approaches to diversity management within your scenario organisation.


European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (2007-2013), (n.d.)Diversity and Innovation: A Business Opportunity for All, Available at:https://www.iegd.org/pdf/Task%203%20-%20Innovation.pdf, (accessed: 18/12/12)
To prepare for this Individual Assignment:
- Review the Unit Introduction and the Learning Resources.
- Support your Individual Assignment with current academic literature beyond your Learning Resources.
- Reflect on Edgar H. Schein's Model of Organizational Culture and the artefacts, values and deep-rooted beliefs that can play a role in diversity management.
- Refer to your scenario organisation and assess any issues related to diversity management that may arise during the upcoming transition in the scenario.

To complete this
- Develop an outline for a training session for managers about diversity management in your scenario organisation.
o Identify what approaches to diversity management you would recommend to build a more diverse workforce. Explain the impact that a diverse workforce may have on your scenario organisation.
o Explain how to manage potential issues that may arise while building your diverse workforce and propose solutions to ease the transition within your scenario organisation.
- Submit your training session as a PowerPoint Presentation, with presenter notes for each slide. Your outline of the training session should be at least 10 slides. You should also submit a text version of the session in MS Word for a plagiarism check. If you would like, you may provide narration within your PowerPoint Presentation.

Power and Politics in Your Organisation
The historic Enron Scandal of 2002 highlights the devastating effects of power, politics and conflict, as well as how quickly a successful organisation can fall. Therefore, your scenario organisation asks you to examine the influence of internal power and politics within the organisation in order to prevent a similar conflict. The organisation is concerned that with the upcoming transition there may be employee dissatisfaction due to perceptions of unfair treatment and inequality of benefits for current employees.
The complex relationship of power and politics includes legal, economical, social and psychological dimensions. As a consultant, you know that an organisation's actions, whether intentional or merely perceived, can create dissatisfaction among employees (Wilton, 2011). Sometimes there is a fine line between misperception and deception. Therefore, consider the role that power and politics plays within your scenario organisation and specifically focus on the human resource processes, such as recruitment and promotion. For example, consider the role politics might play in deciding to recruit external versus internal candidates and the effect that can have on existing employees. Consider an employee that believes a co-worker was unfairly promoted and the effect that might have on existing relationships. In this Individual Assignment, you will analyse the impact of power and politics and recommend human resource processes to minimise conflict.
Wilton, N., (2011) An Introduction to Human Resource Management, Los Angeles: Sage
To prepare for this Individual Assignment:
- Think about the potential influences that power and politics may have on your scenario organisation. Consider all perspectives, including the organisation's employees, managers and human resource professionals.
- Consider the processes you may recommend to minimise power and politics in your scenario organisation.

To complete this

Write a summary in which you critically discuss the potential influences of power and politics that can affect this scenario organisation. Explain the issues of power and politics that may arise within and across teams as a consequence of the pending changes in your scenario organisation. Include how power and politics might influence employees and managers.
- Explain how power and politics might influence human resource processes, such as recruitment, selection and promotion in the organisation.
- Explain two human resource processes you would recommend to a staff manager to minimise power and politics in the organisation. Please include a detailed description of steps you would include in your recommended processes.

Managing Diverse Virtual Teams

As organisations merge and grow in a global environment, it is more likely that you will encounter a virtual team. The concept of virtual teams varies by organisations, and it can involve a variety of scenarios. All team members may work remotely; there may be several office locations and team members from each location; or it may be a mix of the two. Virtual teams allow organisations to provide longer business hours, reduced employee travel costs and flexible employee work schedules. Yet, performance issues may arise when working in virtual teams (Schermerhorn et al, 2012). Therefore, a manager may need additional strategies to help virtual teams address those issues.

During your consultancy for your scenario organisation, you are concerned with how the upcoming transition may impact employees. During and after the transition, many of the current and future employees may have to work remotely. Although a small percentage of the organisation (generally on the executive level) has participated in virtual teams, most of the employees are used to face-to-face teams. You suggest sending a newsletter to employees about virtual teams to help support a more successful transition. In this Individual Assignment, you will recommend strategies for managing diverse virtual teams.

Schermerhorn, Jr., J. R., R. N. Osborn, M. Uhl-Bien, & J. G. Hunt, (2012) Organisation Behavior, 12th edition, New York: John Wiley

To prepare for this Individual Assignment:

- Think about your scenario organisation and consider the unique needs of diverse virtual teams.

- Review relevant theories, concepts and research and think about strategies to manage diverse virtual teams effectively.

To complete this Individual Assignment:

- Create a newsletter for current and future employees of your scenario organisation.

o The purpose of the newsletter would be to alert current and future employees of the upcoming transition, explain the upcoming need to work virtually for either a temporary or an extended period and provide strategies for working effectively in virtual teams.

- Provide two strategies to manage virtual teams effectively drawing from relevant theories, concepts and research in the Learning Resources and current literature. One of your strategies should include how managers in your scenario organisation will develop virtual teams comprised of employees from varying cultures.

- Please use your creativity while developing this use the template provided for your Assignment, or you may create your own communications approach that addresses individual and team needs.

Unit 4

Performance Management Systems and Motivation
In this, you will analyse the relationship between motivation and performance management systems. You will also evaluate a performance management system in the context of your scenario organisation.

Lussier, R. N, & J. R. Hendon, (2013) Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development, Los Angeles: Sage
Wilton, N., (2011) An Introduction to Human Resource Management, Los Angeles: Sage

To prepare for this Individual Assignment:

Select a performance appraisal system you would implement in your scenario organisation and consider how its use may impact motivation within your scenario organisation.

To complete this Individual Assignment:
- Write a 2- to 3- page critical analysis on the effects of performance management systems on employee motivation. Your analysis should include:
o A description of your selected performance appraisal system and its components (e.g., evaluation, reflection, rewards).
o A critical evaluation of the system within the context of your scenario organisation. Include the potential strengths and limitations of using the system for your assigned organisation.
o An analysis of how the performance management system may impact motivation in your scenario organisation in the following areas:
o The performance appraisal process (goal setting, evaluating performance and conducting reviews)
o Different categories and levels of employees
o Manager bias

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HR Management: Develop a set of hrm recommendations for the below
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