
Develop a series of 3 images to explore an idea or concept

Project: Serial Investigation

Serial Investigation

For this assignment you are to develop a series of 3 images to explore an idea or concept you have already started exploring this term (Portraiture or Landscape). The idea behind this project is to investigate your ideas in a studied way. The challenge is to dig deep and really let your exploration take hold. You may choose to deepen your exploration of an idea you have already worked or choose explore a new facet of an idea. As an end product your images need to work together to form a cohesive series.

Things to consider:
How do the images support one another to deepen the exploration of your concept? How do they build and enrich meaning?
How do the images relate formally/stylistically?
How do the images work as a collective whole? (editing will be a challenge!)

Some ideas to start:
One way to start is to start taking images - what ideas (conceptual or formal) or themes seem to reoccur?
Another could be considering what concepts or ideas or visual approaches are you interested and start writing ideas down or taking images to see where your ideas lead you.

For this assignment you are to utilize your technical production and post-production skills. As you have this option it is important to have your final images be at a level of technical sophistication that shows the use of both well planned camera work and digital post-production.

Accompanying Text

Take CARE with your writing. For this you are to write a maximum one-page text on your ideas. This should cover:

1. How is your idea linked to Portraiture or Landscape? (BE CLEAR, BE SPECIFIC! Make sure you get to the core of the idea - this will require deep and reflective thinking)

2. What is your IDEA?

3. What is it you are interested in achieving? (What do you expect to learn from your images? What do you expect from your audience?)

4. What are your influences? (cultural ideas, concepts, writers etc. - these should link to your work)

5. Who are your influences? (use only artist's mentioned in the course or pre-approved. You can reference their ideas or their style - you must make a link back to your work)

Details: This is to be done in word, 10-12 font, double spaced, Times, Helvetica or Arial. Use MLA style for citation.

Words : 250

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Dissertation: Develop a series of 3 images to explore an idea or concept
Reference No:- TGS02599359

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