
Develop a selfcare plan for prevention of vicarious truama

Topic for presentation- Outline

Develop a selfcare plan for prevention of vicarious Truama

A daily self care plan refers to the activities/habits you will identify that are important to your well being and that you are committed to do daily to take care of yourself. There is no “one-size-fits-all” self care plan. Although there are some important general principals: Take care of your emotional and physical health, manage your time, nurture your relationships, and find balance in your school and work life. However, self care is unique to everyone as we live unique lives with unique demands, unique histories, so determine how to define self care for you and how you will apply it in your life.

Please detail the following of your self care plan:

1. Complete the self care forms that I will attach. Fill them out as your personal self care plan and send to me with the paper.

2. How do you cope now? Begin by completing a lifestyle behavior assessment (I will attach) (is your life causing you stress?) This will help you determine what you do now to manage your stress and how well these strategies are for your long term health, and whether the coping skills you are currently using are helping. Consider how you may be using numbing out strategies to help you lessen your stress or take the edge off and how you may employ different ones,

3. What would you like to do? Complete a self care assessment. Filling out this check list should highlight the good things you are doing already for yourself. Make notes of things you would like to try or add (or add more of).

4. Outline your plan. Develop a my maintenance self care work sheet. List and describe current and new practices that will determine your self care plan….the activities you will commit to take care of yourself.

5. Identify obstacles to implementation: Once you have identified these practices it is useful to identify possible barriers that could get in the way.

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Reference No:- TGS01428235

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