Consider conditions for which a mercury-in-glass thermometer of 4-mm diameter is inserted to a length L through the wall of a duct in which air at 77°C is flowing. If the stem of the thermometer at the duct wall is at the wall temperature Tw = 15°C, conduction heat transfer through the glass causes the bulb temperature to be lower than that of the airstream.
(a) Develop a relationship for the immersion error, ?Ti = T(L) - T∞, as a function of air velocity, thermometer diameter, and insertion length L.
(b) To what length L must the thermometer be inserted if the immersion error is not to exceed 0.25°C when the air velocity is 10 m/s?
(c) Using the insertion length determined in part (b), calculate and plot the immersion error as a function of air velocity for the range 2 to 20 m/s.
(d) For a given insertion length, will the immersion error increase or decrease if the diameter of the thermometer is increased? Is the immersion error more sensitive to the diameter or air velocity?