Assignment task: Your final research paper should align with one or more of the following Course Outcomes:
1: Develop a recruitment and selection process for expatriates that focuses on intercultural adaptability as well as technical ability.
2: Design a pre-departure training program for an expatriate and a repatriate training program that addresses training rigor as well as type of expatriate assignment (e.g., short term, traditional, virtual).
3: Develop a performance appraisal for an expatriate that uses Hofstede's cultural dimensions as the focus.
4: Design a compensation package for an expatriate that uses the balance sheet approach.
5: Design a pre-departure training program for family members accompanying an expatriate on assignment
Check your analysis by assessing how well it demonstrates your HR knowledge. If your answer relies on your impressions of HR prior to taking this course, it is likely that the analysis is not your best effort.
Includes an introduction paragraph and some references that you most likely include in your paper