Develop a recruitment and advertisement checklist tool that

PowerPoint presentation to a college whose leaders are considering hiring your recruitment firm for their recruitment effort. Develop a recruitment and advertisement checklist (tool) that can be used by any organization. Use either of these perspectives: Develop a checklist that identifies all that is required to ensure positions are filled within an organization or develop it for a leader to analyze the effectiveness of their organization's recruitment efforts. A leader within the organization should be able to use the tool with their hiring managers and recruitment team as they are recruiting and improving their systems. Remember, that this is being developed from a consultant's perspective and should be written in the third person.

The project should include narrative that provides detail regarding how and why the tool was created as well as how it should be used within an organizational setting. Should include a cover, list of references and ten slides (including narrative and tool). Feel free to be creative and develop it as though one is to use it as a tool to build a consulting firm.

For clarification, the checklist needs to identify the steps that are included in the recruitment and advertisement process.

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Dissertation: Develop a recruitment and advertisement checklist tool that
Reference No:- TGS02428517

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