
Develop a questioning strategies among students


Describe specific ways to develop questioning strategies among students. What kind of classroom is amenable to assist students with questioning and self questioning? Why is it important to assist students with asking questions while they read, especially esol students Please give me help with the following.

Using the goal to guide you, find an appropriate state standard. Based on the related content in the standard, write a measurable objective and create an objective test (with an answer key for scoring).The test must be a minimum of 20 questions and vary in format every 5 questions. Format options for objective tests include: multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, short answer, or matching test items.

The students will infer meaning from a story.

You also need to find four websites on the following:

Student Portfolios

With each website, I need an annotated bibliography which includes a brief and concise (3-5 sentences) explanation of the site, including its primary focus, particular level of students and/or teachers for whom it is applicable, whether it offers additional links to other sites and any other information deemed relevant. The reasons that the site was chosen should be clear from the annotated description.

Attachment:- Maryland Content Standards.rar

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Other Subject: Develop a questioning strategies among students
Reference No:- TGS01910777

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