
Develop a public service announcement for the community


Persuasive Request Promoting a Service: "Loaned Executives" Raise Funds

United Way started in 1887 as an effort to coordinate funding-raising activities among local charitable organizations. Today, United Way helps many communities raise funds for local charitable needs by coordinating fund-raising activities among local health and human service organizations. Local businesses within communities play a significant role in United Way annual campaigns to raise funds for distribution to local charities. Many companies encourage employees to make annual pledges, and some even provide volunteers for the "loaned executive" program. In Goldsboro, North Carolina, 26 loaned executives from local businesses worked to raise more than $1.3 million by soliciting pledges during a recent United Way fall campaign. The loaned executive volunteered to lead employee coordinators from four or five businesses to plan the campaign within each company. These coordinators helped organize employee meetings and rallies, and arranged payroll deductions for donations.

Assume you are the United Way board president for Goldsboro, North Carolina. Fifteen loaned executives from last year's campaign have volunteered to help again for this year's campaign. You need 11 more executives.


• Write persuasive letter to local businesses asking them to designate a loaned executive for the upcoming United Way campaign. Address your letter to the local business of your choice.

• In addition to your letter, choose and complete one of the following options:

o Develop a 30-second public service announcement for the community's United Way campaign.

o Develop an advertisement to appear in the local newspaper for this year's United Way campaign.

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Reference No:- TGS03255695

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