
Develop a proposal for improved sustainability practices


Design and develop a proposal for improved sustainability practices in the organisation for which you work or intend to work. You might address a specific issue or a total environmental management process.

State the industry sector in which the organisation operates, the issues or practices to be addressed and develop and document a proposal that could be submitted, for approval, to senior management.

Include in your proposal:

• a clear description of the current situation, the desired situation and the identified gaps-reasons for making changes or improvements (including compliance with continuous improvement requirements)-the benefits-including the ability to utilise the new practices (social, economic or physical environment impacts) as a competitive edge

• a description of the research conducted and information gathered to justify the need for the proposal

• information about consultations government agencies (legislation and regulations) to identify compliance requirements

• considerations of the organisational culture that would support or act as a barrier to improved management and monitoring of sustainability

• organisational policies that currently support sustainability practices and any identified need for changes, adjustments or new policies

• a description of the procedures that would be followed to implement the proposal, the required outcomes, performance indicators and procedures that would be followed to monitor implementation

• any costs associated with the proposal-this includes the cost of not going ahead with the proposal

Develop and document an action plan-to indicate who would be responsible for the different parts of the improvement process, time frames/ deadlines.

A communication training and education plan to indicate how and when employees and other relevant stakeholders will receive information about the proposal and about their input and responsibilities.

Describe the procedures that would follow to track the progress of the sustainability practices and to document and report on the outcomes.

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Microeconomics: Develop a proposal for improved sustainability practices
Reference No:- TGS02956082

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