
Develop a proposal for identified organization


Develop a proposal for your identified organization. There are several sections in most proposals. While they may be different, they have very similar content, generally in a similar order. Use the template provided. Provide information in each of the categories, even if you don't have much information in some of them. Be sure to cite data and information sources. Use the Needs Statement, and the budget information

Organization :Charlotte Bridge Home

Proposal Presentation


You will prepare and deliver a 15-20 minute original problem-solution persuasive speech.

The ideas in your presentation must be supported by evidence. A minimum of five appropriate, relevant, timely sources is required; one of these sources may be a personal interview with a credible, relevant authority.


Steps to design and present your speech. Complete the Persuasive Speech Worksheet based upon the key steps.

1. Consider your audience.

2. Select and narrow your topic.

3. Determine your general and specific purposes. The general purpose in this assignment is to persuade. The specific purpose of a speech identifies what you want your listeners to be able to do, remember, or feel at the end of your speech.

4. Develop your central idea. The central idea summarizes your identified need in a single sentence.

5. Generate the main ideas. The main ideas are the key points in a speech; these are derived from the central idea.

6. Gather supporting material. Supporting material includes facts, examples, definitions, and quotations from others. Remember sources must be acknowledged in the speech. An oral source citation typically includes the author, title, and year of publication.

7. Organize your presentation. Every pesentation, including the persuasive speech, should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction gains audience attention, previews the major

Proposal Presentation ideas in the speech, and provides audience members with reasons to listen to the speech. The body presents and supports the main ideas. The conclusion summarizes the main ideas and restates the central idea

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Other Management: Develop a proposal for identified organization
Reference No:- TGS02006851

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