Develop a PROLOG program that prompts the user for the colors of Band 1, Band 2, Band 3, and Band 4 and then displays the resistance in Kilo-ohms.
Develop a PROLOG program that prompts the user for the colors of Band 1, Band 2, Band 3, and Band 4 and then displays the resistance in Kilo-ohms. Assume that band 4 can only be Gold or Silver.
a) Present a main menu to the user about the following options:
a) Calculate resistance value
b) Help
c) Exit
The "help" option presents some information about the program and how to use it, and re-displays the main menu options. The "Exit" option terminates the program. The "Calculate resistance value" leads the user to a secondary menu as shown in Step 2.
b) The secondary menu prompts the user to select the band colors. For example:
a) Black
b) Brown
c) Red
d) Orange
e) Yellow
f) Green
Please select the color for band 1: 5
Please select the color for band 2: 0
Please select the color for band 3: 3
Please select the color for band 4: 11
The resistance value is: 50 ± 5 k?
Then the program should print back the main menu (Step 1).
c) If the user enters an invalid value, print an error message, and prompt the user for another value.