
Develop a projectpresentation with an introduction body and

Develop a project/presentation of 750 to 1000 words minimum/maximum (or the equivalent) with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

This may be a traditional essay, or it may involve other sorts of projects/presentations.

Turn the "Miller's Tale" into a script for a popular sitcom (using those sitcom characters as stand-ins for Chaucer's characters), or rewrite one of the pieces we've read as a play. Be creative--just be sure to submit ideas for approval before WEDNESDAY of week seven, so that we have a chance to discuss it.

Also I need a compare/contrast essay of 750 to 1000 words minimum/maximum with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Include a works cited page.

Compare and contrast a work with a movie adaptation the recent movie version of Beowulf to the Anglo-Saxon poem or the film Excalibur to Malory. Let me know what adaptation you'd like to write about if it isn't on this list, and we'll discuss options. Remember, this is meant to be a thesis-driven essay, not simply a description of the two versions of the story, or a movie review.

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Dissertation: Develop a projectpresentation with an introduction body and
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