
Develop a project with characteristics will have at the

Final Project Brief

The Project's minimum criteria are as follows:

- In order to cover all different Modules integrated in the MBA (or as many as possible), the Project shall have the broadest focus possible.

The Project must have no more than 100 pages in length (A4 both sided with 1.5 line spacing, Arial 11 or similar). The maximum of 100 pages will include:

- Title Page, Executive summary.
- Index, Contents and all Appendices.

Quality of contents will count for more than the length of the project. As a rule of thumb, a business plan should not have more than 40 pages, excluding graphics & appendices.

Formal Requirements:

The project must be presented in a formal way, avoiding spelling and typographic mistakes and it should be bound (not necessarily like a book, but it should be in a secure folder).

In sum, you need to provide one original hard copy (book style) plus one digital copy (pdf).

A good visual presentation is important and will assist the assessors to treat your project in a positive light, quite apart from the evaluation itself.

Final Information:

Each group will defend its Project in front of a jury. The School will decide who participates as a judge. The qualifying criteria are based on your demonstration of the knowledge you have acquired during the course and your clarity of expression as well as the viability of the Project.

The jury will act as an investment committee or an administration committee. You may ask for as much money as you like, but you will have to justify the amount you are requesting from the investment committee. The committee will assess carefully your project's capability to generate the necessary cash to make the repayments of interest and capital.

You have to realize that a good demonstration of your own capabilities and your Project's viability must be attractive to possible investors. Be persuasive.

Your presentation will last for 30 minutes. Plan carefully as you will not be able to go over the time limit. After the presentation, the jury may ask questions to anyone for as much time as they need to make a decision on whether to invest or not.

The School staff is at your disposal to solve any questions or to provide additional clarification about this document.

Finally, we hope this will be a magnificent opportunity for you to participate in an absorbing and interesting experience.

Final Project

A final project must be created and defended in this module order to obtain the corresponding credit. The project is the direct consequence of what has been learned during the course modules. The work consists of writing a project including a set of ideas, reasoning, and findings on a chosen topic. Students that ultimately develop a project with these characteristics will have, at the same time, developed a series of skills that will be very useful in their future professional lives.

More specifically, learning objectives are:

o Promote teamwork.

o Apply experiences/knowledge attained during the master's degree.

o Be able to adequately explain the project before a judge's panel.

General skills to be developed in this module are:

o Possess and comprehend knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, frequently in a research context.

o That students know how to apply knowledge acquired and their capacity for problem solving in new or not very well known settings within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.

o That students are capable of integrating knowledge and facing the complexity of making judgments through information that, while incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.

o That students know how to communicate their conclusions (and knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them) to a specialized and unspecialized audience in a clear manner and without ambiguities.

o That students possess the learning habits that permit them to continue studying in a manner that will be self- directed and autonomous to a large extent.

Specific skills to be developed in this module are:

- Have an integrated vision of all dimensions of the company in the sports sector: external, internal, and organizational, and of people or human capital that make it up in order to be capable of analyzing the problems and searching for solutions as a team to allow them to reach their strategic objectives. In order to do this, students will carry out self-directed and group based learning that will allow them to make decisions and assess their economic and social impact.

- Lead projects and teams from an all-around ethical and socially responsible approach, assessing the impact of their decisions on profits, the market, people, and society.

- Master the keys of the important areas of the sports world in order to turn them into competitive advantages for the company's growth within its sector.

- Analyze a sector's economic, legal, and technological setting and carry out a mid-term and long term strategic planning and evaluation using existing reference tools.

- Achieve mastery of the new trends and business practices for corporate social responsibility policies that affect the sports sector and be capable of defining a corporate social responsibility policy for each business.

- Take on the skills of an executive position: leadership, emotional intelligence, communication skills, team management, working in groups, planning, conflict resolution, negotiation, and results-orientation, always with a focus on responsibility and under a multi-cultural perspective that respects diversity.

- Master the strategic reference concepts and tools for organizational sizing of a company in the sports industry and be capable of selecting the best strategic alternative to apply in each market and company.

- Learn about the tools for a company's operations director as well as leading business practices in the sports industry to ensure efficiency of activities and compliance with the objectives set forth.

- Design plans for the various areas (marketing, communication and sales, finances, production, human resources), using coordination criteria between them and that are aligned with the company's general strategy.

- Master the key reference concepts for sizing new organization structures and be capable of implementing plans that involve changes and adaptations with criteria for optimizing resources and managing knowledge.

The module is organized intoesta six Units of Instruction (U.I.), which are divided into the following learning resources:

o Unit 1. The basis
- Lesson 1. The rules of the game
- Lesson 2. Grading criteria

This unit's objectives are to know how to set out the project's topics and establish its main objectives, understanding the minimum requirements for a Master's Degree Final Project and its various phases, as well as the role of the tutor and Judge's Panel evaluation. Similarly, the evaluation criteria to be applied for this project are explained.

o Unit 2. The project
- Lesson 3: Business Plan
- Lesson 4: Canvas Model

This unit's objectives are to detect a business opportunity, analyze its commercial, technical, economic, and financial viability and know how to set up its formal aspects. This lesson sets the project structure to be developed. A series of podcasts is presented in the topic as a simulator of potential questions that can be asked during the final defense to serve as reference while in this phase of creating the project.

o Unit 3. The defense
- eBook 1. The Project Defense

This unit's objectives are to comprehend the formal aspects of the final project's presentation, in addition to setting forth a series of recommendations and suggestions for the project presentation and defense. Formal aspects of the written project are gathered in the same manner.

Attachment:- Master thesis.rar

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Management Theories: Develop a project with characteristics will have at the
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