
Develop a project using microsoft excel - the project must

Objective: To develop a project of your choice using Microsoft Excel.

Details: You are creating a project using skills that you have learned in this class. The project may be a workbook that you could use in your professional or personal life. The project requires several components:

1. Include specific tasks that have been covered this semester.

2. Include a numbered, detailed list beginning with the first task you included.

List the task and then list the worksheet where the task is located. Tasks should be listed in the same order as the tasks appear beginning with the first worksheet of the workbook. Include a "how to" description for tasks that aren't easy to see in the worksheet such as a "sort".

3. Post your project to the project discussion board to earn five points.

4. Submit your project and the detailed list to the project drop box.

A task only counts once regardless of the number of times it is used in various worksheets. You will submit your completed project to the project drop box as well as post to the project discussion board. The detailed list will ONLY be submitted to the project drop box. Do NOT post detailed lists on the discussion board.

Task List:

Everyone is required to submit a detailed numbered list of the tasks included in their project. The list needs to indicate which worksheet the task is located on. Start at the top of the first worksheet and list the included tasks. Start at the top of the second worksheet and list the included tasks. Continue until all tasks have been listed. This list will be submitted using the project drop box. Classroom students will submit to the drop box and hand a printed copy of their project and list to your classroom instructor. Be detailed in your listing. Start numbering with the first task that appears in the first worksheet at the top of your document. List the tasks in the same order that they appear from top to bottom on your document.


To summarize, you are designing this project. The project must be an original file created by you during this semester. Do not complete book problems. You can refer to book problems for ideas but can't complete a book problem to count as your project. Don't use a workbook that someone else created at work. You will earn points based on the number of skills satisfactorily demonstrated. For points to be awarded, completion of the feature must be visible. For some tasks that are difficult to see such as "sorts," describe how the "sort" is performed in your detailed list. If the instructor cannot see the skill, you need to describe how the task is performed in order to earn the points.

Something entirely from the first two chapters will not earn full design points. The detailed list is a mandatory part of the project. The numbered list will match the order in which tasks are presented in the various worksheets. The detailed list is mandatory as it lists the tasks you included in your project. Without the list, you will not earn as many points if your instructor has to "read your mind" and try to count the tasks you included.

The project is worth one hundred points towards your final grade. Plan ahead as your project will take more time to complete than normal assignments.

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Basic Computer Science: Develop a project using microsoft excel - the project must
Reference No:- TGS02864231

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