Develop a program that could be used to determine election results for a town. Assume that the town is divided into a number of precincts (an input item) and that the number of candidates is variable (an input item). The votes received for each candidate by precinct should be stored in a two-dimensional array that is part of class Vote_Tabulation. Your program should allow its user to issue any of the following instructions:
• Load the vote data from a file
• Load the vote data interactively
• Edit the vote data interactively to account for absentee ballots just received
• Request a table showing the raw vote results by precinct and candidate
• Request a table showing the percentage of votes by precinct and candidate
• Request a table showing the raw vote results by candidate and precinct
• Request a table showing the precentage of votes by candidate and precinct
• Display the top n vote getters for the township and their results in decreasing order, where n is a data item.