
Develop a program demonstrates enhanced options

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Q: Develop a program that demonstrates the enhanced options for the MessageBox class. Use three GroupBox controls with RadioButton controls contained within each. The first GroupBox control should contain the various options for which buttons display in the message box. The second GroupBox control should contain the various options for which icon displays in the message box. The third GroupBox control should contain options for which button is the default button. Disable any RadioButton controls in the third GroupBox control that are not valid given other choices that the user has made. Use a sub procedure to handle the functionality of determining which buttons are valid in the third GroupBox control and properly handling which button is selected when one or more of these buttons become disabled. Use two TextBox controls to allow the user to type a message box title and a message. Add a button control to the form to display the message box as designed by the user's selections in the GroupBox and TextBox controls. Use three panels on a StatusBar control to display the current selections made by the user.

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Visual Basic Programming: Develop a program demonstrates enhanced options
Reference No:- TGS01938692

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