
Develop a professional website using html5 elements

Assignment Requirements:

In this assignment you are required to use bootstrap front-end framework to

1) Develop a professional website using HTML5 elements

2) Style your website using Bootstrap classes

3) Test your website in different browsers & devices

4) Publish your website

Part 1: Your website content should include the following 12 web pages

Part 2: typography.html should include the following content (see figures 2, 3, 4, & 5 on pages 3, 3, 4, & 5)

Part 3. buttons.html should include the following content

Part 4: alerts.html should include the following content

Part 5: cards.html should include the following content

Part 6: jumbotron.html should include the following content

Part 7:  progress-bars.html should include the following content

Part 8: grid.html should include the following content

Part 9: icons.html should include the following content

Part 10: forms.html should include the following content

Part 11: navbars.html should include the following content

Part 12: slider.html should include at least five images

Project Requirements:

. In this group project you are required to use bootstrap

front-end framework to

º develop a professional website using HTML5 elements

º style your website using Bootstrap classes

© test your website in different browsers & devices

¼ publish your website\

1. You website root folder should includes the the following subfolders (see figure1on page 2):

º css that includes bootstrap CSS files

º js that includes bootstrap scripts files

© img that includes your websites images

¼ videos that includes your websites videos

2. Your website content should include at least the following web pages (see figure1on page 2)

º index.html

º gallery.html that displays your image slider & video slider

© contact.html

¼ about.html

3. Each web page should have a header, navigation bar, and a footer that includes the copyright notice.

4. At least 5 images should be included in your image slider. Each image should have a caption.

5. At least 3 videos should be included in your video slider. Each video should have a poster attribute.

6. Your website should include the at least following forms:

º inline form

º horizontal form

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Computer Engineering: Develop a professional website using html5 elements
Reference No:- TGS03050801

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