The Blue Button was an original initiative within the Veterans Administration (VA) as a directive symbol for veterans and beneficiaries to access the VHA's personal health record (PHR) portal.
The Blue Button image was adopted by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology (HIT) in 2012.
The adoption of the Blue Button Image foretold the Blue Button Movement. The Blue Button Movement is a marketing campaign aimed at patient empowerment and engagement.
Develop a press release on the topic of patient access to health data via the Blue Button Movement, which a client physician group recently joined.
Your release should describe the Blue Button Movement & Pledge and discuss the expected patient benefits, a description of the increased security measures to uphold the privacy, security, and confidentiality of patient data, and an outline of the procedure to access patient data. Submit one (1) single Microsoft Word document
Blue Button Movement
Blue Button Pledge