
Develop a presentation to the board and upper management


Name of company is COSTCO. Skip the voice recording I will do that myself .

Drawing on the material that has been developed over the previous five weeks, develop a presentation to the Board and Upper Management that provides appropriate background information and a set of reasoned explanations for updating the firm's HRM practices.

The presentation will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, Voice Recorded. The length should be about 25 - 30 slides, with about 1/3 background and 2/3 recommendations. Charts, Graphs, Color, Data, is highly encouraged.

Use the notes section to explain what you would say in a presentation, in other words, treat this similar to a paper except that you are writing the paper in the notes section of PowerPoint, and the slides represent the highlights of your presentation. The last slide(s) will be for your references.

Cite any sources you use using the correct APA format on a separate page.

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Other Subject: Develop a presentation to the board and upper management
Reference No:- TGS01964785

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