
Develop a policy argument or claim that is definitive

Quick Homework in Public Administration PAD520

Developing Policy Arguments and Debate" Please respond to the following:

  • Develop a policy argument or claim that is definitive, designative, evaluative, and advocative, using one of these terms: (a) crime, (b) pollution, (c) terrorism, (d) quality of life, (e) global warming, (f) fiscal crisis, (g) human rights, and (h) unemployment.
  • Convert the argument in the first discussion into a policy debate by providing an objection and a rebuttal. Explain if and why the qualifier changed after introducing an objection and rebuttal. If the qualifier did not change, explain why it did not change.

Include one (1) or two (2) references.


Global Warming - The rise in sea levels, once green plains now turn into deserts, antic is melt, and seasonal confuse between winter and summer, storm much damaging on the increase, that affects the food change is a factor hoax.

Claim: Industry wastes, carbon dioxide emissions and Human activities lead to increase greenhouse gasses that have significant changes in climate changes.

Information: The Trump Administration believe global warming is a hoax and sign executive order to revise The Obama's Administration steps for the EPA taken in Reducing Global Warming Emissions policy and question the scientist's results on global warming.

Warrant: Studies have shown by losing the thermostat during the winter and higher in the summer can have some effect on carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere. This causes a reduction approximately 500 pounds for each two-degree adjustment in the home, water heater, and wash or drying laundry.

Qualifier: Scientists has noticed the Earth shown evidence of global warming since the 60's. The carbon cycle feed living things and part of the ocean, air, and the ground. The fossil fuels that burns enter the atmosphere as carbon dioxide also known as the greenhouse gas and traps heat in the air. The earth was colder in the 1800's until we became more industries burning fossil fuels that add about 30% carbon dioxide in the air. 

Objection: Sandt (2015), "global warming is a hoax particularly when attributed to CO2 emissions, and the goals of those advocating an anti-fossil fuel agenda are entirely ineffective in reducing alleged global warming". The Midland group believe there have not been any global warming in the past 17 years. Also, they note the United Nations environmental experts falsely admit there no relationship between global warming and severe weather occurrence. They also rebuttal the finding by the Obama administration that the average temperature 0.5 to 0.600C above average global temperatures over the last century.

Rebuttal: Cox, et al., (2000), shows data that acceleration of global warming was due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in the atmosphere. A visualization of global temperature rise, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, declining Arctic sea ice, glacial retreat, extreme events, decreased snow cover, Greenland and Antarctic ice melting, atmospheric CO2 increased, increase in damaging storms, and ocean acidification. The carbon cycle emphasizes the how the atmospheric emissions lead to the high concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2). Note that the coupled climate/carbon-cycle model brought the equilibrium with a pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 concentration of 290 ppmv, from land cover data. All living things made of carbon and it's also part of the ocean, air, and rocks. When the carbon dioxide - greenhouse gasses is the trap in the atmosphere it causes the temperature to raise. The fact from NASA data shown trap carbon dioxide and other gasses that affect the ice cores drawn for Greenland, Antarctica and tropical mountain glaciers.

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Dissertation: Develop a policy argument or claim that is definitive
Reference No:- TGS02637065

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