
Develop a plan to approach an old problem in a new way by

Objective: Apply your creative thinking to a problem that you are currently facing. 


Develop a plan to approach an old problem in a new way by completing the steps listed below.

  1. Write a description of the problem.
  2. Restate the problem in several ways.
  3. Write down as many facts related to the problem as possible.
  4. Identify advantages to this problem-try to see it as an opportunity.
  5. Identify as many new ways as possible to approach this problem.
  6. Identify people who might be able to help you with this problem.
  7. Determine which action you will take first in arriving at a solution to this problem and write down on your calendar the date and time that you will take that action. 


Identifying something as a "problem" immediately sets up a series of assumptions that may inhibit our ability to be creative. Problems suggest something that is "bad" and needs to be "solved." By reframing problems as opportunities and considering any potential advantages that they may offer, it may be pos- sible to come up with more creative ways of responding. Consider this thought: No problem can be defined as a problem unless you have an ideal alternative in mind. As you go forward, try to remember to use your creative thinking skills when you face a situation that seems to require a problem-solving response. Practice looking for alternatives and positive possibilities. 


Objective : This exercise will give you the opportunity to analyze an individual's behavioral complexity and ability to generate lift. 

Directions : Identify a leader you admire and with whom you are familiar. You may select someone that you know personally or someone you have read about enough to familiarize yourself with her history as a leader. 

1. What actions has this person engaged in that suggest she is comfortable using each of the fol- lowing approaches when working with and/or managing others? Try to identify as many differ- ent types of behaviors as you can.

? A human relations approach that emphasizes collaboration, commitment, and cohesion?

? An internal process approach that emphasizes control and stability?

? A rational goal approach that emphasizes competition and productivity?

? An open systems approach that emphasizes creativity, change, and adaptability?

2. On the basis of your answers above, does it appear that this person has a large behavioral repertoire and a high level of behavioral complexity? 

3. Does working with or reading about this person leave you feeling inspired and energized? If so, can you identify some examples of her actions that are consistent with the four psychological states required to achieve lift? That is, what does this person do to suggest that she is:

? Internally directed by a set of core values?

? Purpose-centered and intent on achieving extraordinary results?

? Externally open, interested in learning, and willing to change?

? Other-focused and respectful of people's needs, feelings, and wants? 

Reflection : Although you may have found that the leader you selected tends to rely on behaviors associated with one of the quadrants of the competing values framework more than others, that does not necessarily mean that this person has a small behavioral repertoire or lacks behavioral complexity. Why not? Because the behaviors that you observed may have been the most appropriate behaviors for the situation at hand. A more comprehensive analysis of that person's behaviors using 360-degree feedback (Lepsinger & Lucia, 1997) might reflect a much more balanced profile.

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Business Economics: Develop a plan to approach an old problem in a new way by
Reference No:- TGS02282557

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