
Develop a plan for the treatment of leafy spurge in city

Overall goal of this forum is for your group to develop a plan for the treatment of Leafy Spurge in City Park. This plan will be in the form of a word document submitted to City Council for approval. The document must be in size 12 Times New Roman and double spaced. Document directions can be found below

1 Title Page with names of team members and abstract (Team Leaders Job)
1 page about Leafy Spurge (plant information, invasive status, why it is a problem etc.)
1 page about eradication challenges specific to the description of city park in last week''s forum with accurate legal or permit information.
1 page with a detailed timeline for treatment and an explanation for why each treatment is for that time period.
2 pages detailing the treatment plan (these should be split so one member does one page detailing part of the treatment and another member can detail another part of the treatment
1 summary page that aligns the treatment plan with the challenges and timeline.

*Each page should contain references if necessary, place them in the footnotes of the page and make sure they are in APA format.

*Each member of the group should contribute the text for 1 page with the group leader filling in for any missing group members.

Each group member should choose a page to write and post early in the week which page you will write.

The group leader will be responsible for adding the text to a word document and assembling the final product.

Group Members: You want to give your group leader plenty of time to add the text to the document and make it available for full group review. You should be commenting on each other's documents with substantive feedback. Individual page text ideally should be submitted no later than Wednesday.

Group Leaders: The final product should be reviewed by group members for final approval and should be free of any spelling, grammar or factual errors. The word document should have a professional and polished appearance. Make sure you submit your final document in time for your group members to peer review it. When your Document is finalized post it as an attachment in your group discussion under a separate thread titled "City Park Treatment Plan- Group (A or B)"

Attachment:- Plan for the treatment.rar

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Biology: Develop a plan for the treatment of leafy spurge in city
Reference No:- TGS02898033

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