Develop a plan for a media advocacy campaign this could

By session 2, select an issue, cause, or group of constituents about which you are concerned and post to Blackboard. Each student will then engage individually in the following tasks:

Research the evolution of this issue from its emergence to the present. This will require an assessment of the current situation and a review of relevant literature (social work & other). Note evidence in the literature supportive of your position.

Select the proper venue for your advocacy. This may be a public hearing, legislative committee session, community forum, a meeting of a special commission that is authorized to deal with your issue such as a county board of commissioners, the regents of a university or community college, school board trustees, the planning commission of a unit of government, or the board of directors of a human service organization, or the general public. Do some background research on the nature of this venue and what are the expectations regarding presentations in this setting.

Outline the key points of your advocacy and the goals you hope to achieve through your advocacy.

Choose one (1) of the following options to complete the assignment. Each option should be 3 pages (750 words):

Write testimony in support of your constituents or cause and schedule a time on the agenda of the venue you selected above to present it. Distribute copies of your testimony to those hearing your presentation.

Draft a written plan to mobilize and/or train constituents in an advocacy effort. This could include popular education on the impact of an issue affecting these constituents, training in advocacy, or a leadership development for community members.

Develop a plan for a media advocacy campaign. This could include the creation of an overall media strategy, the development of campaign materials, organizing and holding press conferences or press events, writing op-ed pieces, etc.

Write an op-ed essay on the topic and submit it to a newspaper (e.g., the Baltimore Sun) for publication.

Write a letter of intent or concept paper for a small grant to support some program innovation/development to be submitted to a foundation or other funding organization (e.g., a corporate funder).

Whatever option you choose, you should then write a reflection that is no more than 3 pages on the impact or potential impact of your assignment. This reflection should address the following questions:

What change or outcome occurred or do you anticipate will occur because of your advocacy?

How did the assignment affect your personal professional growth and development, your view of the issue, and your perspective on the change process itself?

The final assignment will include both the 3-page advocacy product and 3-page reflection.

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Dissertation: Develop a plan for a media advocacy campaign this could
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