
Develop a persuasive argument


This question is asking you to conduct a partial yet comprehensive analysis of Dorchester's external environments. You are to focus on obtaining information detailing the organizational and cultural demographics such as human population and composition of the population. In addition to understanding the companies economic state which includes; GDP and existing growth development, you should also review each organizations quarterly revenue over a period of time i.e. five to 10 years, this information would allow Dorchester executives to assess the organizations financial positioning such as; profit/losses, market share, regulatory and administrative costs; compare and contrast each organizations financial positioning in order to get a good idea of the potential risks involved with acquiring the targeted companies e.g. is the organization drowning in debt and will they require a life preserver to get out of it? If so Dorchester may have to make a critical decision and determine if an acquisition or merger with the specified company is worth the risk. In essence you are to gather enough information about the three companies and the three countries they operate in to determine the risks and benefits of each.

Develop a persuasive argument as to your position on why Dorchester should invest or why they should not invest. The objective is to provide enough information that would assist Dorchester executives in making the right investment decision. When organizations outsource or operate businesses within foreign countries they are obligated to learn about the culture before entering a business relationship or alliance. Some countries only want to conduct business with men and may possess prehistoric chauvinistic views of women.

This stage of analysis is strictly for observational purposes to evoke analytical deductive reasoning and to test strategies. For example, an economic assessment would give you a general idea of the company's growth development and assessment of the culture will enable the organization to integrate the right candidate to operate an overseas division.

Dorchester is interested in growth expansion which is why they want you to analyze one company in three countries. Evaluate which countries provide the greatest opportunities for U.S. based organizations, for example many organizations have significant wealth maximization in China and the U.K. and various other locations. Most organization develops a SWOTT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends) analysis in order to establish a strategic action plan for forward progression. For example, Microsoft analyzed Skype and discovered that acquiring the organization would only enhance the company's market share and take innovation into a whole new direction thus creating a win-win for both major corporations. Microsoft acquired Skype for $8.5 billion. Economic assessment includes the assessment of direct consequences, of indirect economic impacts, resilience and cost-benefit analysis of options." (Create Homeland Security Center, 2011).

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Other Management: Develop a persuasive argument
Reference No:- TGS01851846

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