
Develop a one-page web site - with three paragraphs of text

Develop a one-page web site - with three (3) paragraphs of text - about yourself that incorporates at least two (2) different fonts from Google Fonts. The first two paragraphs can include biographical information, interests, life goals, education, or any other relevant information; the third paragraph must explain why/how your chosen fonts represent you.

To begin, you will use the framework created for the Color Scheming assignment.

1. Open the color.html file and save a copy as type.html

2. Continue working in the type.html file

3. Recode the title element to show the title The Type of You

4. Recode the link element in the head section to link to a style sheet called typestyles.css

5. Change the h1 element to display an appropriate heading for your page

6. In the content section

a. remove the

i. horizontal rule elements

ii. anchor elements

b. rename the h3 elements using appropriate headings (Biography, Interests, etc.)

c. replace the text in each paragraph element with the information about yourself (3 - 5 sentences minimum for each paragraph).
d. before the image element, add

i. a third h3 element to display Why These Fonts Represent Me
ii. a third paragraph element to display your explanation

e. recode the src attribute in the image element to link to an image of yourself

7. In the footer section

a. replace the existing source information with links to each Google Font used in the page

8. Save your file

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Application Programming: Develop a one-page web site - with three paragraphs of text
Reference No:- TGS01037265

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