
Develop a number of hunches about the clients in vignettes


Develop a number of hunches about the clients in the following vignettes. What is the basis of your hunch (theory, experience, knowledge about social conditions, etc.)?

Leah is a 13-year-old runaway living on the streets with a group of three other teens.

They show up at the food kitchen occasionally, where a counselor has talked with Leah about the possibility of coming back into school and maybe into foster care. Leah actually seems interested in school. She tells the counselor: "I might like to finish school. I was good at it, but there's no way I'm living in another family. I've been on my own too long and I don't want to take orders from anybody. Besides, my friends need me. We do okay."

Arturo is a 34-year-old musician making his living playing in a small quartet that performs at functions like weddings and bar mitzvahs. He is seeing an employment counselor about career training: "I don't know, I guess I should get a real job. I'm 34 and it doesn't look like I'll make it as a classical musician. My wife says it's time for me to quit fooling around. I love what I do, but there's no future in it."

Huston, age 49, has just been released from jail, where he served 11 years for child sexual assault. He's meeting with his probation officer: "Man, I'm uptight about living outside.

It's kind of scary after all these years. I have no family left; my only friends are the guys I met in the slammer."

Kimsoo, age 44, came to the United States to undertake religious studies toward becoming the first woman minister in her village back home. After being here for 4 years, she is experiencing a number of conflicts about returning to Korea: "I feel really torn. I always thought I wanted to be a minister, and my family and church are counting on me.

But things here are so different from back home. Plus, I didn't expect to get involved with an American the way I have."

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Other Subject: Develop a number of hunches about the clients in vignettes
Reference No:- TGS01898193

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