
Develop a new software program

Discuss the following:

To develop a schedule for a project, we will use the concept of a project network, which shows work activities taken from the work breakdown structure and is organized according to the logical flow in time and relationships governing when the work will be performed. By combining this network of work activities with estimates of the time duration for performing each of the activities, we can create a schedule for the project work.

Create a paragraphs provide what types of information can we learn about the project by reviewing the project schedule and all the information used to generate it?

As we have seen, traditional and Agile schedule developments are quite different. Agile project management was originally developed to do software development.

1.Could a traditional process be successfully used to develop a new software program? Why or why not? 2.Could an Agile methodology be used to build a strip mall in your home town? Why or why not?

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Reference No:- TGS01782463

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