
Develop a narration for each slide in the notes section and


Brief Description

In Part 3, youwill submit the entire PowerPoint Presentation. This will include a typed narration in the notes section (below the slides).


Public health nutritionists are often required to educate the public on various nutrition topics.One of the best ways to assess if you understand a concept is to teach or explain it to someone else.

Thus, the purpose of this assignment is to present a nutritional topic to a target audience based on scholarly, peer-reviewed literature.


Your target audience is overweight high school students who have demonstrated initiative and an interest in nutrition and health.Thus, the presentation mustbe geared toward this population.

When developing this presentation, take into consideration your audience's reading level, cognitive abilities, and interests.The completed PowerPoint presentation will be between 15-20 minutes and must include at least 15-20 slides.

Each slide must take between 45-60 seconds to present.

In Part 3, revise your PowerPoint slides based on any feedback your instructor provided in Part 2.

Develop a narration for each slide in the notes section and keep the length of the presentation (15-20 minutes) in mind.

Once you have created your narration, go back through the slides and eliminate words that are not necessary to your audience's understanding.

The narrations for each slide must be at least 45-60 seconds, making the total presentation between 15-20 minutes.

The narration in the notes section must demonstrate a clear connection to the slides, media, graphics, and key discussion points; however the narration in the notes section must also be engaging, fun, interactive, and geared toward the adolescent audience.

There must be a powerful concluding slide and narration.

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Science: Develop a narration for each slide in the notes section and
Reference No:- TGS02573741

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